Saturday, November 22, 2008

Contacts of not so first kind..

If you lately bought new Paramaunt cords for your pocket wizards from B&H (ones that "miniphone to hot shoe") and hope to use them with Sigma 500DG Super - you may be up the creek without paddle.

Or if you got latest V2s cheapo radio triggers from Ebay.. (and i am not quite sure about rest of radio triggers - i dont have anything else right now to verify this issue).

Paramaunt decreased length of side contacts on new model (i got old one and can visually compare them. Its different, trust me), and Sigma, being budget builder, apparently has narrower plastic base where side contacts are mounted.. So what do we have? Right. Side contacts of hot shoe UNABLE to reach. And so you stuck with adapter that would work perfectly ok with any other portable flash (well, apart from Sony/Minolta who has different shoe alltogether), but wont do squat with Sigma.

Solution - get some naked wire, thin gauge and wrap around central contacts of Sigma flash untill you extend contact base enough. Because it is pretty much impossible to extend length of side "arms" of hot shoe..

And then, viola! You got yourself perfectly working portable flash gun, that actually works with radio triggers.

Thursday, October 9, 2008


Welcome to the english-mirror of my Russian project "80-20 Photo".

As time passed by with russian-only version of this blog, i realized i am kind of missing out on english-speakers. So, after much arguing with meself - i am opening this english-mirror.

Please bear with me, as me written english is not as good as my english vocabulary.

I am not going to put here all articles and presently there are numbers of really good photography blogs in English, and i do not see much of reason to replicate tons of information that been perfectly explained by others . I also will slowly translate what was published so far in my russian blog. And of course will replicate all the new materials from now on.
